Thursday, October 14, 2010


Movie (b/m)adness

Keats was regaling Chapman one evening after having attended a lecture in his ongoing Masters in Film Studies at the local tech, with an anecdote relating to the '70's penchant for the "cast of thousands epic block buster star studded war film", a genre unto itself, it seems. The film in question was "A Bridge Too Far".

"Yes", continued Keats, "it seems that the original 'directors cut', was 4 and a half hours long, and was unpopular with test audiences who required the use of their legs after the performance. The hack-producers demanded slimming down by a couple of hours, but when re-shown to the test audiences, such was the severity of the cuts, no one could understand the plot".

"Ah yes", offered Chapman from behind the Evening Press, as he scrunched noisily to the Ask the Experts column, "abridged too far".

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