Monday, September 20, 2021


Ad hoc-isms

In the strong form of the pun:

"A pint of plainsong is your only mantra".

In, what is perhaps, the weaker form:

"A pint of plainsong is your only chant".

Why is every book in the sci-fi section now a never ending sequence of fantasy novels? All of them are called:

"A Title of Mismatched Nouns".

Or more, generically:

"An 'X' of 'Y' and 'Z'".

This is all clearly an unsavory straight to video like steal of other people's good titles, in particular George RR Martin!

"A Web of Lime and Hugenots"

"A Swamp of Mist and Toothpaste".

"A Quagmire of Vowels and Bestiaries"

"A Wind of Card and Lobsters"

Come to think of it, I'd be tempted to buy that last one, but only because it sounds like it might work on a brioche bun.

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